Experiencing Winter: Working at Setsu Niseko

Today, we had the opportunity to chat with various staff members from different departments at Setsu Niseko. Through our conversations, we discovered their passion and profound affection for Niseko—a destination that delights not only during winter but offers year-round wonders to enjoy and experience. Moreover, they generously shared insights into their work experience at Setsu Niseko, highlighting the joy of being part of a fun and cohesive team.

Can you introduce yourself?

Adrian: I am Adrian, born in a small town in Poland. I like cycling, traveling and trying new cuisine. It's my first time in Japan and so far it's only been a great experience!

Barbara: My name is Barbara and I am from Chile. I came to work at Setsu Niseko as winter staff and stayed until summer because I fell in love with Hokkaido and its nature. I loved learning how to snowboard in winter and now, in summer, I like to go cycling, walking in the relaxing nature and going to the relaxing onsen whenever I have the chance. 

Fujina: I am Fujina from Shizuoka, Japan, renowned for its breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji. I have a passion for exploring new experiences whenever I find myself in unfamiliar surroundings. Currently, I am embracing the thrill of snowboarding in Niseko.

Isaia: My name’s Isaia Park. I’m Korean but my nationality is Australian. I love sports and adventure, so as soon as I graduated high school, I came straight to Niseko!

Our favourite concierge, Fujina from Shizuoka

Adrian enjoying his day trip in Lake Toya

How long have you worked at Setsu Niseko and what department are you from?

Adrian: I started in December 2023. Currently working as a Housekeeping officer.

Barbara: I have been working at Setsu since December 2023 and my department is Housekeeping as a room inspector.

Fujina: I have been part of the Setsu team for 8 months, serving as a concierge since the the 2023-24 winter season.

Isaia: I worked at Setsu Niseko during the 2023-24 winter season, which was from December to March. During this time, I was a part of the Bell team!

What was your best/favorite part of working in Setsu Niseko?

Adrian: The team that we had in the 2023-24 winter season! Everyone was kind, fun and hard working.

Barbara: What I liked most about working at Setsu were the people, my manager and co-workers from both my department and other departments. I really enjoyed meeting new people from different countries and learning about different cultures and languages.

Fujina: Undoubtedly, the best aspect for me has been the incredible people I work with. Choosing Setsu for my Niseko adventure was a decision I'll never regret. The teams here are exceptionally friendly and supportive.

Isaia: Without a doubt, my coworkers were my favourite part of working in Setsu Niseko. To call them coworkers almost feels insulting! Over the course of the season, everyone had become close friends. We cooked together, climbed the summit together, then travelled Japan together! After the season ended, I teamed up with a fellow Bell boy and we explored Tokyo together. Others planned road-trips, making their way down until we all met again in the spring! Before coming to Setsu Niseko, I was terrified of not being able to make friends. One winter later, I have friends all over the world!

Barbara - Look at you! Very nice in Kimono.
Isaia covered in powder snow

What did you look forward to doing the most when you were here?

Adrian: If we talk about the work I would say guest requests were fun, especially when they appreciate the service. As for the outside of work, going back to the staff accommodation and hang out with all friends :D

Barbara: My main motivation for applying for this job at Niseko was the new experience of living in the snow and I am pleased to say that I do not regret my decision. And when I came here, what I wanted most of all was to learn how to snowboard.  

Fujina: I eagerly anticipated engaging with people from around the world. My goal was to enhance my English skills, and I'm thrilled to say that Setsu Niseko has greatly contributed to my progress.

Isaia: Snowboarding! I had skated and surfed before, so I decided to add another feather to my cap. I was a complete beginner, but thankfully, so were many others. We all learned together, and the pros even gave us some lessons!

What is a "must-do" for people coming to work in Niseko for the winter season?

Adrian: Make friends. I don't think you will ever have this kind of opportunity to meet so many different people from all over the world. If you decide to stay at staff accommodation you will make so many friends for life. I considered myself an introvert before coming here but after living here for some time I opened up to people and simply enjoyed every day.

Barbara: This goes for people who, are like me, have never practiced a snow sport. You should definitely give it a try. What will remain in my memory forever is the powder snow and having dared to do activities I never dreamed of before.

Fujina: I highly recommend embracing winter sports, even if you're not fond of cold weather. Personally, I used to dislike winter due to the cold, but everything changed when I started snowboarding here in Niseko. Experiencing the joy of winter sports amidst the frequent snowfall has transformed me into someone who loves the winter season.

Isaia: Wake up early, catch the first lifts, and hike to the summit! There’s simply no way to describe the feeling of the fresh snow up to your knees as you weave all the way to the bottom of the mountain with your friends.

Our rock star, Shika chan - Our guests love you.

Message from Our Hotel Team

Looking to connect with people from all over the world while learning more about the hospitality industry in a balanced work-life environment?

Join us! We believe in working hard and playing hard.

We look forward to having you join our team this coming winter.

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